March & April are great months to adopt your “summer” puppy.


We talk to many families who want to wait until late May or June to get a new puppy for the summer.  It’s much better to adopt your new puppy 1-2 months before that.

The reasons for this are:

    • Your new puppy will need 5 to 8 weeks to complete their inoculations so that they can safely run around in public places.
    • You will need 4-6 weeks to complete their potty training, making it easier for you to take them with you.
    • Some families believe that they will not have enough time with their puppy before summer.  In reality, 8-week-old puppies need a lot of rest and will sleep 90% of the time until they get a little older.

It is perfectly safe and good for the puppy to be left 8-9 hours while you’re at work or school.  Our suggested “containment system” for your new puppy gives them room to sleep, play, drink, and relieve themselves while protecting your home and keeping them safe.

Give us a call at Goldendoodle Kennels (855) 453-6363 to further explain the benefits of getting your new Summer puppy in March or April.