Selecting a puppy can seem daunting but it needn’t be.  In fact, it should be fun.  The fact that you’re here means you’re considering a Goldendoodle, so you are already off to a great start.

Selecting a puppy is a “heart” decision, not a “head” decision.  Try to have a minimum of “must haves”.

The first decision should be what size dog is right for me and or my family.

Consider the following needs:

    • Are there young children in the family?
    • Will you be taking your Doodle with you while shopping, going to restaurants, on vacations, when flying or visiting friends and family?
    • Are you a senior adult in your 60’s or older?  (This is important because your Doodle with be with you for 15+ years?  Therefore, if you’re 65 today your Doodle with be with you when you are 80 and perhaps then you may wish you had a smaller dog.
    • Do you have physical limitations that need to be taken into consideration?

Here at Goldendoodle Kennels we have helped hundreds of individuals & families select the best size of Goldendoodle is best for the needs and interests.

Now that you’ve identified the size you’d like, it’s time to engage your “heart” in the decision making.  It’s ok to have preferences like gender or a curly or wavy coat.  But we suggest that you not make them “must haves”.  For example, I only what a male.  Since you will be spaying or neutering gender should be a minor consideration as the differences are very subtle.  For example, males tend to be slightly more affectionate.  But most people would not be able to tell the difference.

Some folks believe that a male is harder to housetrain or they will “lift their leg on furniture or walls.  While it’s true that male dogs lift their leg to go, all dogs, regardless of gender must be trained to go outside.  The “potty training” process is the same for both males and females.  Until trained puppies must be contained in a confined space.  We recommend a pen & pad rather than a crate.  We will explain this in greater detail in a conversation.

Now that you know the size you’d like, it’s time to see the puppies you will be selecting from.  If you are selecting in person watch the puppies play and interact with each other.  Hold the puppies you are attracted to and see which one “feels” right for you.  If you’re selecting via “Facetime”  (which works very well) we will video all the puppies together and then pickup and hold each puppy you’d like to have a closer look at.  Both methods have been very successful.

For more information call us at (855) 453-6363.